Monday, April 23, 2012

4 Leaf Clovers!!

Hello everyone,

Sorry, its been a while since our last update.  We have lots of video to post, but will do it in small batches.  Maybe we'll be able to provide a weekly update, at least for a while, until things get boring around here.

The biggest news we have to report is that we have decided NOT to head to Costa Rica at this time.  We were working with an American captain whom we hoped would help us get there, but his price is too high for us.  So we're going to try spending the summer here in La Cruz.  We've heard it gets really hot and we believe it.  Already the temperatures are between 31 and 34 Celcuis every day.  People here tell us that no one ventures out during the day in the summer, its just too hot.  We're preparing for that and purchased an air conditioner at the last swap meet.  Now, we're looking for someone to help us install it properly.

A little while ago, we took a tour to the local hot springs.  We didn't get much video, but we did find the most unusual patch of 4 leaf clovers.  Not one or two, mind you, but the entire batch were the 4 leaf kind.  But you don't have to believe us, just take a look:

La Cruz is situated in the northern end of Banderas Bay.  Banderas Bay has some of the best sailing in the world.  We haven't been out lately, but the other day we had an unusually clear day where you could see the entire bay:

Mexico is an amazing place in that events crop up all the time, out of nowhere.  A few weeks ago, there was a very large, very expensive Mexican Tourism event held at our marina.  It was quite the spectacle, with lots of performance art, including pirate ships, native dancers, fire dancers and an entire cast of Cirque De Soleil characters.  These characters roamed around the crowd most of the night, it was something to see.  Tickets were supposedly $200 each, but some of us at the marina were able to just walk in and get free food, booze and entertainment.  (Sorry no video.)

And not too long ago, in a dirt lot here in the marina, out of nowhere again, a horse dancing show just popped up.  They brought in bales of hay, which they decorated with branches off the local bushes, and plastic chairs for people to sit in, not to mention hot food and cold beer/margarita vendors.  We watched asd someone took a manual auger, dug a quick hole, spliced into the marina power cable, and voila, we had lights!  We do have some video of this event, which we'll put in our next entry.

At the moment, the marina grounds are filling up with carnival rides and the like.  Apparently in a few days, a week long celebration will be starting up.  Not sure what all will be there, but we'll try to get some video for you.

So for now, know that we are settling in for the summer, not really sure what we're in for.  We hear they have huge rain falls and thunder storms, and we'll have to rig up a ground or something.  We'll know more after this Wednesday, we'll be attending a seminar on preparing for the summer.

Hasta Luego, Amigos

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